“hey! we found a way to lift 4 million american kids out of poverty!”

“great! let’s allow the program expire so they can head back to hunger!” “well, can we get the program back if we allow all the rich people to keep their tax breaks Trump gave them…?” “maybe.” https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/dec/08/child-tax-credit-ending-pushing-kids-into-poverty

not sure how i feel about this yet

seems like Jack is trying to give renewable energy to africa by using bitcoin but i don’t understand how this isn’t just a non-profit. the business has zero long-term future, within a couple years the electricity will be closer to market-rate and the mining advantage will be lost. plus how does hardware cost fit into …

another eyeroll for the supreme court

“Legal experts say the Supreme Court is likely to end the forgiveness plan, given its conservative majority.” political party shouldn’t have any impact on this decision. yet apparently it does. i don’t really care either way but this simply seems like it should be a “bi-partisan” decision. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/05/supreme-court-tackles-biden-student-loan-plan.html

read this twice

“It’s bound to be a popular proposal with voters, who have been paying more than $6 per gallon of gasoline for much of the year. But the big question is how the measure will be received by California lawmakers, especially since the oil industry is one of the state’s top lobbyists and campaign donors.” https://www.foxla.com/news/furious-newsom-set-to-punish-oil-producers-give-money-to-drivers

‘Sweden has a poverty problem’: the social stores offering food at rock-bottom prices

Proud and prosperous Sweden, with its famously generous welfare system and abundance of green energy, should – in theory – be better equipped than most European countries to bear a battering from the continent’s cost of living crisis. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/05/sweden-has-a-poverty-problem-the-social-stores-offering-food-at-rock-bottom-prices